Thursday, August 31, 2006

How to live a happy life?

All my life.. i've been searching for the answer "What is life?"
Finally after thirty over years i believe i found the answer. However, like all management theories/tools, it's easy to understand the concepts but not easy to apply.

The answer to life is 'to live a happy, loving, healthy, balanced and fulfilling life'. It may be mouthful to say it but it sures compasses the essence of life..
Well,.. the short version - to live a happy life! ;-)

Simple enough? Well, to live a happy, loving, healthy, balanced and fulfilling life is not easy at all. But with determination, i believe we can still achieve it. First, let me explain what each of the five words mean..

You can view them as a framework for a happy life.

Happy - focus on self. YOU. You should be happy as an individual regardless of others. You shouldnt depend on others to give you happiness. So you must develop yourself.

Loving - focus on others. We dont exist for ourselves. We need to interact with others too. We need to help one another and love one another.

Healthy - focus on physical, financial and mental health. How can we think clearly and made right decisions when we're sick, poor and stressed out all the time?!

Balanced - warns us not to be overly engrossed in one thing.. going extreme.. but instead, to keep an open mind and be conscious of the environment & happenings.

Fulfilling - life is never complete or satisfied if we are not contributing to something.. We just know it! We need to accomplish things.. just observe at those folks who goes to work day in day out with that look on their face! u'll know what i mean.

The above is just a quick intro to the framework for a happy life. Will share more in time to come.. meanwhile, ponder the five key elements and ask any question if u wish to clear yr doubts..


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