Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Law of Precession

"Buckminster Fuller, recognised as one of this century's most creative minds, wrote the LAW OF PRECESSION as a part of the goal-setting process. PRECESSION is the principle which always ensures that we gain many things in addition to the actual goal itself. In fact, the most important thing is not reaching the goal itself but what we learn and how much we grow along the way." Being Happy, page 83-84.

Andrew is very wise to share this and i'm grateful for this. Yes, the journey is more important than the end goal. But setting the goal is still as important. In fact, it is vital that we do so and to set off the journey as soon as possible before the procrastinate & scared thoughts conquer your mind!

"If you decide that you are going to walk across Europe or.. start a business.., the important thing is not the walk or the business, but what kind of person you need to become in order to achieve your end." page 84.

Mmm.. tis concept is new to me.. never occur to me before.. ;-)

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