Sunday, August 03, 2008

Branding - an overused and often misunderstood

Years ago, it was innovation - all the hype. In more recent years, it was branding. Today, many companies thought they understood branding and were jumping into it. Almost everyone wants to do branding or claim to have a brand. Do they?

Many thought a name and/or logo is considered a brand. Fortunately a recent article on Singapore Airline helped to clarify that branding is not just skin deep. It's the internal processes and great people running the show daily that exhibit the brand experience customers wanted. Maybe this is branding at the next or highest level.

Certainly, as more companies matured and understood branding, the standard will be raised. And will branding fade away like many management fad? I think not. At worst, it will be another hygiene factor businesses have to consider no matter what. Marketing, including branding, and innovation are still relevant in today's businesss context.

So, what's the recent or future mgmt fad? The Long Tail concept?

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