Wednesday, January 03, 2007

60-day settling-in plan

while clearing my desk (i'm leaving for a new job..) i chance upon an old article (from Communication Briefings) that gives ideas on how to make quick progress during the first 60 days of a new job!

Something for me to think about:
  • First 14 days: Cultivate four allies. These days, fitting into an org's culture is almost as important as hard work. Set up lunches with a team mate, a key employee in another dept, a supportive higher-up and an in-the-know political insider who monitors the grapevine. Ask lots of questions to learn abt the culture.
  • First 30 days: Meet with your boss to compare notes. Ask "How am i doing?" Then report what u're working on in order of importance & ask for feedback.
  • First 45 days: Update your job description from the one you received on Day One. Write a more accurate summary of your duties using what u've learned in the first month & a half. Ask your boss to approve your new version. That helps you stay focused on what matters most.
  • First 60 days: Produce concrete results. Pick a short-term project harnesses your strengths and complete it. Example: The boss seeks your help in designing and leading focus groups. You agree to plan and run a series of successful group meetings while still tackling all your regular duties.

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