Wednesday, January 10, 2007

tasks & time management

during breakfast we like to discuss wide-ranging topics from hobbies to work to family life.. today's topic happen to be on management since most of them were not around (on course, that is). To be precise, it's about tasks assignment and time management. One said that his boss dish out tasks that takes up 5% of time per task and therefore figure out that an employee can handle 20 small tasks at one go! I feel sorry for him to have such a boss.

dividing tasks in that way has been proven a failure. many employees have tried this approach and it's a complete failure! it's a lame excuse for bosses to load or overload his/her staff.

on the other hand, how about getting employee to focus 100% on just one task at a time? this is the other end of the spectrum which is as impractical as the former. in fact, no employer will be able to give such a luxury. the work nature will not allow too.

i think a balanced approach will be ideal. i practise focusing on doing one or two major tasks while keeping tabs on a few other minor tasks and then juggle between these tasks. usually in between short gaps or breaks of major tasks i fill in one or two minor tasks.

yes, it takes practice and discipline and not forgetting wisdom to know when to do what.. but definitely not 5% for each tasks or 100% on one big task!

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