Wednesday, January 09, 2008


this is probably the most profound wisdom i've learned this year.. though the year just begun.. ;-)

While reading 'How to see yourself as you really are' by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, i discovered the dependent-arising concept - chapter 4.

i never knew i could find a way to better understand & determine realism, the true and the untrue. Simply apply dependent-arising concept in your meditative reflection practises. In dependent-arising, you will consider all aspects of causes that brings to live the object of your focus. This method helps you to realise or reflect the level of realism or truth. For example, looking at a plate of vegetables, you see the causes involved in cooking up a plate of vegetables.. u see the farmer who planted the vegetables, the wet market vege seller who buys from farmer and sells the vegetables to the food stall, and finally the cook who cooks it..

Armed with these understanding, you will appreciate this plate of vegetables better. Stretching this example, it means you will understand life, truth better.. all things in this universe! ;-)

note: the above words & understanding is my own and not from the book. So, as a junior lay buddhist, dont believe what i write but to reflect and consider it carefully before applying it in your daily life.

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