Monday, May 26, 2008

Marketing, PR & Branding pointers

Adapted from Philip Kotler and plus my own understanding, the 5 dimensions of a brand:
  1. Attribute - function, feature, style
  2. Benefits - solving a problem, serving a need, or fulfilling a want
  3. Personality - like human characteristics people can identify with
  4. Values - if it's corporate brand, it's the corporate values
  5. Image - the look and feel.. aesthetics. the physical appearance.
  • The art of marketing is the art of branding.
  • Brand price premium you can charge is 10-20% today.. unlike early days of up to 50% were gone.
  • Customer's attitude towards a brand can range from dislike, indifferent, slight preference to strong preference, to devotion.
  • There was a book written on the fall of advertising and the rise of PR.

P - Publications
E - Events
N - News
C - Community Involvement
I - Identity tools
L - Lobbying
S - Social Investments

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