Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Planning is still important

It's surprising that many people dont believe in planning anymore. The often heard comments were that it seldom or never execute as planned due to various reasons. Therefore, it's useless to plan to begin with.

But there were dozens of research and articles on the subject and they all proved that planning is an important exercise that must be performed before embarking on any project!

I'm a believer of planning. However, i always remind myself not to over plan! Plan just enough to have a good feel or understanding of things to come and then start execution!! A plan is a 'live' document that will be regularly reviewed & updated with versioning.

After the project, always compared the planned vs the actual. This served two purposes. (i) To see if u execute to plan and (ii) to learn from it - whether there's any deviation or not, u learned how accurate yr estimation is. It will definitely help u plan better in yr next project.

So planning is still as important and as relevant..

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