Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The power of focus and passion!

I first noticed the power of focus & passion when i read Andrew Matthews's book on Being Happy. It was a light-hearted book to read but the message was strong and impression deep.. especially the portion on invisible magnet - u attract what u focus on..

My first taste with tis phenomena was in composing music which was & still is my passion. i wondered how i could get into the music composing world. True enough, when i focus so much on my passion, opportunities opened up itself.. why? coz i was so into it tat i talked about it whenever and wherever i met up with people.. finally one day someone heard abt it and told me tat she has a contact with a recording company!! And that's how i sent my tape to the music studio..

So till this day, i always remind myself about Staying FOCUS and Live with PASSION. The two of the key ingredients to a more fulfilling life! Cheers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've read that book by Matthew many many years ago. Can't recall what I've read haha. Our time & energy are limited, good to stay focused & be PASSIONATE! That +VE vibes will rub into others & attract things that are +VE! yeah!