Friday, November 24, 2006

To see results, u need 4Ps

The 4 Ps that helped me realise results are Preparation, Perspiration, Perservance & Patience.

Preparation - Whatever u do, plan first. But dont over plan. Do your homework. It's worth the effort.

Perspiration - Do it! Take action! Hardwork is one of the key requisite for success.

Perservance - There will be pain. People may laugh, criticize & look down on you. The going gets tough.. but the tough gets going. Dont give up. Usually when u think u are at your wits or eleventh hour that light is at the end of the tunnel. Believe me, usually it's not an oncoming train too. Be positive.

Patience - All good things will come to those who are patient. Everything takes time to nuture & grow.. and for events to unfold. Enjoy the passage of time. Let time be yr friend.. & not yr enemy.

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